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i'm wanted, i'm hot
,i'm everything you're not!


there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so click EXIT if you hate it.

wishlist ♥<
Go around the world.
Kick his ass.
Make me grow taller.
Wisdom, Knowledge & Talent.
Fame, Beauty & Fortune.
Friends forever.
Trip to Hollywood.
Be HIS Leading Lady.



April 2009
May 2009
July 2009


x x x
Thursday, April 30, 2009
irked. !
I tell you, being irked is one of the most annoying feelings, including the emotion of being guilt-ridden. I loathe days when I have to suffer this human advantage.

Classes will be resuming soon, and time does pass by so swiftly -- too slow for us, but actually sneakily passing by. I am, sadly, speechless at this time. There has been some thingamajig with the electricity and I'm now here at Dona Soledad, typing my whines. I am VERY IRKED AT THE MOMENT. Let me list the things down.

-i may be a whiz at codes, but when it comes to blogspot, i SUCK! i suck at adobe. i suck at expressing my feelings in personal.
-i still haven't found a blog skin that can make ME happy.,

I'm off.

11:12 PM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Cooking, sharks and birthdays.
Argh. What a word. COOKING. It does not interest me in any kind and form, except that it is fairly connected to EATING. For someone who has not been doing not-really-easy chores, this was grueling work! I think I spent a whole hour chopping. I now have cramps, and my palm is red. I have to admit, it kind of interests me in a weird way, but, I dunno. I'm similarly interested in psychiatry, performing, writing, learning about certain animals and so much more.

This past days was filled with watcing movies. Step Up, Step Up 2, Make It Happen and School of Rock. I say the movies rock! :) I can really relate to the movies. Reruns of High School Musical 1 & 2 was fun, too. My mother wanted to finish all these CD's about sharks -- Lake Placid 1 & 2, Killer Whale, blah blah blah. Too many movies! The shark & gigantic crocodile things made an impact on me. I would NEVER venture out to the ocean again. In the first place, I have a trauma of drowning. I don't want to be on a boat in the first place, much more floating on water 2 meters deep.

Tomorrow is April 30, and it'll be the birthday of m pamangkin and it's going to be really flashy or something if the location is at T'boli something.. Pool party! They gave out these invitations; you lost yours, you're outta the party. Harsh.

3:07 AM

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Blogger Award
Blogger Award

It's actually my first award, by lolli.. Thanks a lot! She's my only contact here but, nonetheless, I still can express my feelings, friends on the blogosphere or not.

Well, I'm linking her..
1. Take your award here.
2. Put the logo on your post.
3. Link the person who awarded you.
4. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
5. Add links to those blogs on yours.
6. Leave a messages for your nominees on their blog.

With no friends..*sob*..I only nominate one! Sorry if I disobeyed the rules. I'm not in the mood again, and I'm not interested in the social part of blogging. Okay, okay, I'm gonna find friends, but don't expect me to be fast.

1. Vyne - http://www.lollii-pii.com/

9:39 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
"Kawaii" Blogskin..

Before I start, I want you to know my creative juices are not flowing.

"Kawaii" things are SO out of my league. I mean, they're cute and everything, but it really isn't me. Even I stare at the screen; I say to myself, "Is that really my lame blog?". So I decided to try this skin out. I'm going to put a picture, because I'm going to change it, definitely. I just can't find the right skin! I don't know why.
To end on the lighter side:

There's this site -- it's called divachix and it's my guilty pleasure. XD. It involves battles; I don't mean violent ones. Their "dolls" aren't cheesy either, and the community has moderators and everythings. Click here to try out >>X. There's also a forum where you can interact with others. It's also not cheesy, too. It doesn't feel like a forum. Recently, I've requested an avatar and a matching signature and here's what I got:

Gorgeous, aren't they?

11:34 PM

Shopping and Brackets.
Shopping and Brackets.

This morning was another one of my dentist appointments. :) I received good news! Yey! The time for removing my brackets is nearing. 3-4 months, I guess. A few more changes and it's done, although I have the choice not to remove them. My uncle said I could enjoy the braces while my teeth were great -- up to 4 years, he doesn't care. Hehehe.. I'm really excited, actually, to finally remove this pieces of metal and FINALLY, smile, carefree at the camera. Shucks. What a dream.

After that, my mom, sister and brother, including me, went to the mall. I recently discovered I loved,(not liked) shopping. It's addictive. If only I had enough money! I bought a hoodie today, it's cute and not too nerdy or anything.

Earth Day.
I saw some of my classmates, too -- I ran into them while our family bunch went looking for some place to eat. Oh, I just remembered. It's earth day; they decided to just break loose and go window-shopping. That's my -- I mean, our hobby. My classmates and I like to just walk around, laugh laugh, just about anything fun. Anyway, remember, Earth Day. Save energy!

1:36 AM

Monday, April 20, 2009
OFW = Our Fading Words. Was it Overseas Filipino Worker.?
OFW = Our Fading Words. Did it mean Overseas Filipino Worker.?

With technologies soaring, economies dwindling, emo's spreading and all that, I have noticed that the LOL acronym has started to move into actual speech. This elicits deductions from me. First, I flashback to 4th & 6th grade English teacher, and then I begin to wonder what happened to vocabulary. And, what's next? Sometimes I want to look at people and say "You make me dot, comma, asterisk." It sounds offbeat, but there is no much difference, then.

Chats with Americans, being Pinoy, is a common-but-not-so-common activity. When the opportunity comes up, I always -- always notice the use of LMAO, ROFL, and of course, LOL. It would be very weird to think that every time they typed the words they were actually doing what the acronyms meant.

LMAO = laughing my a** off. I don't know anyone who actually laughed their butts off, and I'm no whiz at this. If you typed this all the time.. what can I say? Poor butt.

ROFL = I have laughed myself to tears and actually sat on the floor but I still haven't done the action of "stop, drop and roll". I leave that action when I am literally on fire.

Entirely different acronyms pop up when you have a conversation with strangers online. There is ASL , a- age, s - sex, l - location.

OMG. Its a relief I keep up.

We can accept all the acronyms, can't we? But English grammar, carefully built up by great persons in the past (i'm not sure :P), is put to waste by replacing actual words by this acronyms. If you want a relationship, I'm sure it won't be pretty much serious if you ask when you are "going 2 get 2gether" and saying "2day is the day i answer yes to your 2 many questions about me". He may be the 1; but put more thinks in2 this. The love of your life over 3 words and atrocious shortcuts of words called acronyms? Puh-lease.

10:19 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009
thinking of you;; katy perry rocks.!
Music. What will "emos" do w/o it? Music for moi can release emotions pent-up inside. It's melody can possibly hypnotize the senses, beckoning you to sing the words that come with it. I have shed tears, sung the lyrics, and even let it lead my life for a few hours.

My current favorite is : Thinking of You, by Katy Perry. Katy has always left a mark on my mind for her uniqueness. Her lyrics are different from others; normal sentences that can be said but when she sings it becomes different. This song is SO touching. (okay,okay, I'm gushing). I feel Katy's compassion for the song. The song croons. Croons, people.! Do you get it? This song is awesome. Out of 5 stars I give her 5.0000001. I still have to catch up with the tempo, though.

Okay. This song is about losing someone you loved so much -- replaced by someone who you like, but never really loved. It's story maybe: The boy unexpectedly left the girl. She has been told that there are plenty out there; The point is, she doesn't love them. Choosing from many boys is replaced by this sentence in the song: "You said there's ton of fish in the water, so the waters I will test". I mean, do boys really come close with sea creatures? I mean, really.

9:04 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
heartbreak, tests and happy memories.
Have you ever noticed how ironic things are? People always have heartbreaks, every moment of the day.. the hurt just varies. To quote pink x bliss, "Crushes are sweet yet love bears satisfaction as well as egregious agony". She is right. I think I have lost someone, due to stupid lies. Lies really make a big impact on friendships. Maybe much more than that. But that lie has gone too FAR. I have been made an idiot(again) in front of close friends. I, for one, believe easily, and it is an disadvantage for me not to express the feeling I'm being suspicious. The hurt is really bad right now, but I've always moved on. Maybe next week, I'll be happy again. Who knows? Even my mixed-up, rotten self doesn't

To those who read my blog(which, I think, is only me), I have broken in half my Sun and TM Sim. I know, I know, it's a waste of the effort to load and money to buy, but I don't care, actually. I don't want many people to contact me. Maybe I'll buy a new sim, but only very close friends and trustworthy people are to know it.

Oh, I almost forgot. :) I came home from school a few hours ago, and -- guess what? Yeah, I think you know. When some of my close friends finally came, we all shouted and teased one classmate who had a lot of issues.. :D .. I was kinda like the host there, I quoted the comments her admirer put and the "audience" laughed with me. I was twice pulled by my hair -- eeeh. It's a jumble of still happy memories, in general, which buries my hidden grief and agony.

The Phil-iri was actually a short test. First was like a written one except you don't write -- you encircle the answer. :) It took, I guess 50 seconds for me to read the selection and I regret the time I read again. My classmate had 30 and she read it twice! I mean, I'm the bookworm at the classroom. I'm pretty possesive of reps. :D There also came the oral. It was really annoying, I blanked out when the question was, "Why does green symbolize that you desire a better life?". Words crossed my mind -- "nature", "healthy". Pictures of herbs, too. I muttered incoherent things and finally came out with, "Green represents nature, and nature is green. Nature is like, uhm, healthy." That was sooo stupiiid. But now that I think about it, I think my wrong answer was when I replied, "Gold is sold for money." Man. I sounded stupid to the core! I knew the answer, I just had mental block. *jump jump jump*. I knew it!

5:18 AM

Monday, April 13, 2009
Lois Duncan && summer.
I've recently read this book; it's called "Who Killed My Daughter?". Now, I'm really into this kind of things -- mystery, crime and policework. I don't know why, but after I read this kind of books I get goosebumps and can't sleep properly. It is about a murder -- true murder. It's kind of touching. Reading the comments of the book made me want to read it fast. I made a record, actually. Read it in .. 10 hours. :)

Anyways. My Easter Sunday was spent at the Ola Air Source; I don't know if it was really that. I kept moaning I was bored because I was, and there was nothing to do, really. The day after that, I got the message that the incoming second years at SPED was to go to the school, 1pm Wednesday for some Phil-iri. Now, I can't remember what that is but I sure hope it isn't a test. :D It clashes with my appoinment for my braces; it was supposed to be on Sunday but we got too busy with the laundry and I managed my two brothers-- a 2-year old and 4-month old.

I can't wait for tomorrow! :)

P.S : oh, i'm not really playing pet society now, i'm playing divachix. love the forums!

11:16 PM

Thursday, April 09, 2009
late at night,,
it's late.. It's Holy Week, right? ABS-CBN shows a different schedule for now -- drama. I watched a lot of different shows today. One was called, "Magkapatid". I found out from my mom they showed it already 3 times -- so this year makes it the fourth one. How boring.

Speaking of that, I said when it was dinner time that it was high time we ate meat. My mom looked at me weird and said, "You do know it's not allowed while it's Holy Week, right?". Normally I'd feel on defense, but now I feel so stupid.

I'm not in the mood for blogging right now. Pet Society! It's AGAIN under maintenance. Always. I wish it's just a bug so it can be fixed. I found out some new tips and I'm excited to try it out.

6:36 AM

Wednesday, April 08, 2009
another day, another thought. I posted just now because I found a game on Facebook; it's called "Pet Society". It's addictive -- I mean, yeh, I get addicted to things. This one is completely perfect because I like -- well, saving up money to upgrade and blah blah blah. You can interact with your friends too; Rahnee, Portia and me are the only ones on Facebook; so sad.

Soo.. it's Holy Week, right? When I was a kid I always disliked Holy Week because there was nothing good on TV's and we couldn't really go out. Now that I'm much older, I've respect to it. Although, well, nothing.

I hate snakes. I loathe snakes. This noon I watched a show about them -- how they really aren't bad and how Christians put in their minds they are evil. I'm not concerned about THAT! Even though a priest cares for snakes, and says he likes the wat they move -- calm, blah blah blah. [i'm on hyper today!] I shiver at the way they slither and pop up and camouflage. That's one of the reasons I don't like hiking, though I like walking through various sceneries with my friends. All in all, I hate reptiles! I scream at the sight of a frog. Slimy. EEhhh.

10:28 PM

worried to death.
so i'm really really worried to death.

never mind.

I have plans tomorrow to go to Rahnee's house. I suck at photoshop, an unfortunate thing I didn't expect. :(( So, well, Rahnee got some tips, and I'm gonna go over to his house. Note, he is, uhm, "gay".

Breathing n, exhaling. What a life I have.

1:56 AM

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
to keep up with me:
I've decided to use four main sites so people could keep up with me IF we don't have personal contact.

Friendster = for communicating with me.

Plurk = view my on the go activities.

Blogspot = what's on my mind.

Facebook = my photos.

thanks for reading!

7:09 AM

more blogs to come!
i'm in love! no, not with a "who". with a "what!"

Well, come to think of it. Two loves. Because, I have recently acquired a new "crush". Wilbur Robinson! I'm blabbing it. Wilbur! Kind of a corny name.

The other one is blogging. I have grown to be addicted. I have thought up of themed blogs to update throughout summer and throughout my upcoming years. My life with music, a private one, etcerah, etcerah! I am going to rock my own world!

Let's face it; I'm actually talking to myself. Not many read my blog. But who cares? I'm gonna go blogging!

This blog will stay as the main one -- always updated and on the go. I hope my excitement stays as high as what I feel right now.

P.S. : My mom won't be too happy about it. :( [explanation: she also uses the computer ALL the time. literally.]

6:03 AM

meet the robinson's fantasies and SUN telebabads.
It's my turn on our computer now. ^^

Half of my Monday was spent on the phone -- I bought a SUN Cellular Sim Pack. Let me say a few things about SUN:

Sun focuses on calls mainly -- so basically, if I'm on SUN, I'm, like, "telebabad". It beats texting, anyway.

I just finished watching this movie, by the way. It's title is "Meet The Robinsons". It's all about an orphan boy who is a total genius -- he considers inventing as a sport. Blah blah blah. The plot is kinda complicated, but here's the summary:

Lewis, a 12-year-old genius is a boy who has no luck in being adopted because of his constant 'quest' to find his birth mother. When he is struck by an idea after being turned down by a family (for the 126th-literally-time), he invents a memory scanner, a device which scans your cerebral cortex to project your memories onto a screen. Whe this project goes awry at a science fair (really the work of the evil "Bowler Hat Guy" and his robotic hat, "Doris"), Lewis is discouraged. Then, he gets a visit from a boy named Wilbur, who takes him on a wild ride to the future, where he meets Wilbur's wacky family and gains the courage to "Keep Moving Forward."

I got to get off now. I still have to cook rice. Wait, do you cook rice?

2:23 AM

Monday, April 06, 2009
El Pueblo Resort.
Yeah, I know, I post every other hour but that's how I blog. I keep track of events. ^___^

So, I'm just from El Pueblo resort -- called Dacera in the past. Well, I did not really soak in the water that much, every moment was so bad for me. I felt sick and I don't know why. At least we were away from home. I had another talk with my cousin. I can consider him one of my closest persons. I could blab everything to him. Hehehe. We speak in English to each other. We're alike in many ways -- like me, he's the class dictionary.

4:12 AM

Sunday, April 05, 2009
stupidly irked. stupidly hot.
I can't believe this. This is the most stupidly irritating day of my life. My own parents would not even belive me about my cellphone's cracked LCD. They PICK my sibling's side. And this sister of mine think she's a smart-a**. SURE SHE IS. Eurgh.

It's so hot today! I mean, entering a room withour air-conditioning nowadays in summer is like SUICIDE. Heatstroke is striking out, people! Better protect yourselves or you'll find yourself stroked by -- uhm, heat. :]

7:23 PM

Saturday, April 04, 2009
glorious sunday. eeh.

Yesterday was blazing hot, and now it's just so cold. It's really uncomfortable. Global Warming? nyeh.

Summer has always been anticipated and full of plans that could not be done when school was present. With my father abroad and money tight, what could my bumbling 12-year old mind suggest to do without killing myself with boredom? My brain is more useless than they had been in school, much emptier.

I hope something exciting comes up. Well, I'm off to surf on blogspot the time being.

8:53 PM

At last. After sitting and thinking logically, after my mom hogging the computer, I get the hang of blogspot. Yay!!! This calls for something special. But the catch is, i still don't know what. [laughs]

Summer has just recently arrived. It's the first time I'm perfectly aware it's summer and I'm bored to death, so you can say it's one of the reasons i created a blog.

Summer is supposed to be all about relaxation, fun, blah3x.


Well, I guess for me. Even if we have helpers here, I can't believe every minute of the day I'm being ordered something. I don't mind taking orders, i just wish it wouldn't drill in my ears. The sounds are too incoherent for me.

Another day, another adventure, I guess. Well, I'm off. This summer's certainly not going to be a blast. *sigh*

7:12 AM

nothing else to do.
i'm bored , with nothing else to do this summer. i've always liked blogging. i had one, but it won't load and i'm too lazy to fix the server. :]
i hope i find my way through this, i don't really know my way through blogspot. but i'm hoping. :)

3:09 AM