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i'm wanted, i'm hot
,i'm everything you're not!


there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so click EXIT if you hate it.

wishlist ♥<
Go around the world.
Kick his ass.
Make me grow taller.
Wisdom, Knowledge & Talent.
Fame, Beauty & Fortune.
Friends forever.
Trip to Hollywood.
Be HIS Leading Lady.



April 2009
May 2009
July 2009


x x x
Saturday, May 30, 2009
school school!
I was about to write here, saying that class is tomorrow but it seems it's moved on June 8. That's bad then. Because there's gonna be Saturday classes, which I'm too lazy to go too, and too pompous! I'm not sure, anyway.

7:29 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
School?!?! OMG!
I can't believe I'm writing this. I mean, I still remember the time I was so excited to be here at blogspot.

This is freaky. I mean, school is so early! June 1? Are they out of their minds?!? For goodness sakes, they better not go past another April and make us go to school.

Well..this year, I'm really gonna make myself work. Like, REALLY study and everything. I actually know what my problem is, and it's being lazy and being forgetful. It's like I'm 87 or something, but the weird thing is, I remember most memories.

I just can't get rid of the problem that, when I read books, that are stories, I remember every detail, and can narrate it to you. When it comes to info..well, it's like I'm reading Chinese. I can't concentrate. And that's what I plan to solve.

Oh, just reread the Deathly Hallows again. *gasp* July is coming, and so is my birthday and the release of the 6th movie and Daniel's birthday. *double gasp!*

7:05 AM

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Harry Potter.
Although times have changed and passed by swiftly, my passion about Harry Potter is still in full swing. It doesn't seem obvious but the last few years it was. I actually prefer studying HP. I actually have debated moot points with people all over the world about Harry Potter. I won't be ashamed to admit that I'm actually waiting for my Hogwarts letter, bringing up the excuse that there has been a problem with the owls. I do NOT understand why people only see HP as only witchcraft, because it is NOT. It may be fantasy, but it may be real. Maybe J.K. Rowling even actually went there. Who knows, she may be the headmaster after Dumbledore died or summat.

I had the urge to do this post because now, I am reading the debation about the Horcruxes Voldemort made, about the magic behind the wands and everything else. Ask me anything - anything related to Harry Potter ( NOTE: NOT DANIEL RADCLIFFE ; although I know many facts about him ) , I could actually answer you and launch in a hour-long discussion which actually doesn't involve you, just me with you inserting questions.

I read about people actually living life thinking they're wizards or witches. One man actually says "Accio Remote!" before he gets up and reaches for his remote. For those who don't know, the spell "Accio" is to summon things to come to you. :)

2:23 AM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I forgot to tell;
Forgot to mention..Summer End is here, and I'm gonna say it again, I can't believe how time fast is..

So, as you may have noticed, the title of this blog is summerblog or summat..So this means the end of this blog. I'm gonna make a new one or maybe continue the one i have on friendster, but that also depends if I could export these blog to that blog..there's too many possibilities. I'm actually getting tired of finding the right skin. :O

OMFG..ideas are coming to me nonstop. Argh. I'm impulsive on most days(or nights) and this is one of them. I detest and abhor this days although it brings good tidings.

My post may reflect the person I am, unorganized, well, in some things, jumbled ideas running through my mind. I am typing very fast right now. Just thought I'd mention. Tee-hee ^^

Tomorrow is my sister's -- what, orientation, or, enrollment or summat..I dunno. What I know for sure is, mine's 22 and 23 -- Orientation 22, Enrollment & Brigada 23.

Can you just feel the unchartered energy within me? (laughs)

EDIT: OMG, OMG, I wanna share it again, so when I read this again, I'll remember and laugh! I wanna share that I changed my password. I AM SO STUPID. I showed my sister how to reveal passwords, FORGETTING that mine was saved in the directory. Very irking.

5:33 AM

Bin meaning to write fer ages..
I bin meaning to write fer ages, but I can' seem to find the right time or summat. I have a though' in mah mind I'd like to say but just can't seem to find the ri' time.

WAIT! Do you know who Kim Bum is??? He's on Boys Over Flowers, my new addiction! He's one of the reasons. I go ballistic for his smile. Whew!

But I noticed somethings changed in me. When I get addicted over someone in the past, I could actually make a YM for them, make my whole life themed by them. I've noticed that I do not indulge my being addicted wholeheartedly now. That's actually weird, with me.

5:26 AM

Sunday, May 17, 2009
sorry late post!
I haven't really posted in a while, I've been caught up by laziness -- can you believe it? laziness?

I saw two of my old classmates the other day, by the way, and one of them told me an outrageous secret, but by the normal way of outrageous, it really isn't, but then agan our circumstances it really is. For goodness sakes, I must be boring you!

To close this lame post by the way, I watched Wild Child. Familiar? I've been hearing about it for weeks and when I finally watched it, it was fantastic. Weird thing was, it didn't get me too obsessed with the movie, like I do with the movies I watched waay back. Usually, I get addicted to the stars and fantasize, but I guess I unconsciously stopped myself for that because I only get a sad disposition knowing I couldn't get what the stars in the movie had.

2:48 AM

Sunday, May 10, 2009
another day, another drama.
Another day passes as I walk slowly in my journey, locked in an ugly body with unbalanced features. Other people underestimate me and instead of befriending me, chooses to step all over me, not literally speaking. They choose to talk about me behind my back and put on big, fake smiles when I come to their presence. I silently beseech help from above as my poor soul can't take it all at the same time, with heartbreak in the picture.

That just came out of me. :P

11:07 PM

Saturday, May 09, 2009
my phone is FIXED.
I carried a 15-kilogram body by interval almost 6 hours, my arms are red and I am super exhausted. Nonetheless, it's kind of rewarding for me since I got my phone fixed. I CANNOT start to tell you how ecstatic I am about that. It's charging right now, and I'm super excited to update what it contains.

Anyways, "Boys Over Flowers" will be starting on May 11; just right after Mother's Day. Haappy Mother's Day to you all! Back to the topic;I'm kind of excited about this show, it's like, being raved about. Next F4, phenomenon and all that. Well, we'll see. I bet all those Korean fans, just like one of my friend is waiting impatiently for Monday. Wait, is the show, like, Korean? IDK.

P.S.Taylor Swift is getting around these days.

1:27 AM

Thursday, May 07, 2009
blog irritation!
Few days pass by again, as the title of the gorgeous blogskin I found passes too. I sound obsessed with blogskins, and maybe I am!

My heart is jumping like a scratched CD, because by tomorrow, my cellphone will be fixed! I can't wait! I loved that phone so much.. I'm drowning in anticipation!

11:12 PM

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

i know my last post is way out of whack and doesn't make any sense, and I blame myself for that.

Well, now, I literally feel time passing by. Classes frequently jam my head. I'm both excited and nervous; exhilarated and overwhelmed.

I'm not in a creative mood right now.

9:01 PM